How Having A Skincare Routine Can Benefit Your Mental Health
Over the last year, more people have begun caring for their skin, and have spent more money on skincare products. According to McKinsey consumer research, skincare sales were up by 300 percent in 2020, compared to previous years. This increase reflects the buying patterns across generations, with 74 percent of Baby Boomers, 49 percent of Gen X'ers, 44 percent of Millennials, and 32 percent of Gen Z'ers buying more skincare products from stores. Before, having a skincare routine was thought to be a sign of vanity, but these days, having one has become normalized, regardless of gender, race, age, or economic status, and it has become an intrinsic part of self-care. Encouraging a client to care for their skin won't only improve their appearance: it can also have tremendous benefits for mental wellbeing.
It provides a comforting, stabilizing routine
In 2020, most people experienced a drastic change in their daily routines. According to one study, people who have less consistent routines throughout their day are more likely to experience loneliness and have mood problems, compared to people who follow routines. Making the time to properly care for yourself, such as by going for a bi-monthly gel manicure, having a monthly facial, or following a daily skincare routine, can all help to provide some stability to life, and create some distinction between days. Having routines to create some semblance of order and normalcy can be comforting, especially during trying times. These activities all build in down time naturally too, which is also important for mental health. During your manicure, for example, you will need to wait for your gel polish to cure under the LED or UV lamp as it won't dry naturally, and this is the perfect time for a relaxing cup of tea and some quiet reflection.
It's a good way to boost mood
Doing something that feels good, such as applying a soothing face mask or lotion, or massaging your face with a jade roller, can boost your mood and make you feel happier. It can also have a calming effect, helping you to sleep better at night and reduce anxiety during the day. To make the most of the mood-boosting effect of a skincare routine, it's important not to rush through it, and you must commit to doing each step thoroughly, from cleansing to moisturizing. Doing so not only maximizes the efficacy of skincare products, but it also helps you to physically relax and minimize stress.
It increases your self-esteem
About 85 percent of people have low self-esteem, and not having enough confidence can have a detrimental effect on a person's quality of life. Luckily, anyone can increase their self-esteem by adding more self-care into their daily routine. By spending 5 to 10 minutes taking care of your skin, you're sending a message to yourself that you're worthy of love and kindness. Diligently following a skincare routine also gives you a feeling of accomplishment, which can increase your confidence even more. You don't have to buy expensive products to feel better about yourself - even inexpensive skincare products from the drugstore can have a positive impact on your self-worth, especially if they're the right ones for your skin type.
A good skincare routine can work wonders beyond the surface of our skin. Consider creating a skincare routine, and encourage clients to have one as well, for better skin and improved mental health.
It provides a comforting, stabilizing routine
In 2020, most people experienced a drastic change in their daily routines. According to one study, people who have less consistent routines throughout their day are more likely to experience loneliness and have mood problems, compared to people who follow routines. Making the time to properly care for yourself, such as by going for a bi-monthly gel manicure, having a monthly facial, or following a daily skincare routine, can all help to provide some stability to life, and create some distinction between days. Having routines to create some semblance of order and normalcy can be comforting, especially during trying times. These activities all build in down time naturally too, which is also important for mental health. During your manicure, for example, you will need to wait for your gel polish to cure under the LED or UV lamp as it won't dry naturally, and this is the perfect time for a relaxing cup of tea and some quiet reflection.
It's a good way to boost mood
Doing something that feels good, such as applying a soothing face mask or lotion, or massaging your face with a jade roller, can boost your mood and make you feel happier. It can also have a calming effect, helping you to sleep better at night and reduce anxiety during the day. To make the most of the mood-boosting effect of a skincare routine, it's important not to rush through it, and you must commit to doing each step thoroughly, from cleansing to moisturizing. Doing so not only maximizes the efficacy of skincare products, but it also helps you to physically relax and minimize stress.
It increases your self-esteem
About 85 percent of people have low self-esteem, and not having enough confidence can have a detrimental effect on a person's quality of life. Luckily, anyone can increase their self-esteem by adding more self-care into their daily routine. By spending 5 to 10 minutes taking care of your skin, you're sending a message to yourself that you're worthy of love and kindness. Diligently following a skincare routine also gives you a feeling of accomplishment, which can increase your confidence even more. You don't have to buy expensive products to feel better about yourself - even inexpensive skincare products from the drugstore can have a positive impact on your self-worth, especially if they're the right ones for your skin type.
A good skincare routine can work wonders beyond the surface of our skin. Consider creating a skincare routine, and encourage clients to have one as well, for better skin and improved mental health.